FirebirdSQL Backend
1. It uses fbd-1.4
2. It bypasses Roundup’s and will automatically create a new FirebirdSQL database if one isn’t detected. To start again, just delete the current database (FirebirdSQL databases use a single file like SQLite).
3. I took the SQLite Classic database schema and adapted it to work with FirebirdSQL.
4. It will happily import data from another database using the roundup-admin.bat export/import routines.
5. Note that must also be changed.
Here's the 'config.ini'::
1 # Settings in this section are used by RDBMS backends only
2 [rdbms]
4 # Name of the database to use.
5 # Default: roundup
6 name = C:/Python27/Scripts/test/db/roundup.fdb
8 # Database server host.
9 # Default: localhost
10 host = localhost
12 # TCP port number of the database server.
13 # Postgresql usually resides on port 5432 (if any),
14 # for MySQL default port number is 3306.
15 # Leave this option empty to use backend default
16 # Default:
17 port =
19 # Database user name that Roundup should use.
20 # Default: roundup
21 user = sysdba
23 # Database user password.
24 # Default: roundup
25 password = masterkey
27 # Name of the MySQL defaults file.
28 # Only used in MySQL connections.
29 # Default: ~/.my.cnf
30 read_default_file = ~/.my.cnf
32 # Name of the group to use in the MySQL defaults file (.my.cnf).
33 # Only used in MySQL connections.
34 # Default: roundup
35 read_default_group = roundup
37 # Number of seconds to wait when the SQLite database is locked
38 # Default: use a 30 second timeout (extraordinarily generous)
39 # Only used in SQLite connections.
40 # Default: 30
41 sqlite_timeout = 30
43 # Size of the node cache (in elements)
44 # Default: 100
45 cache_size = 100
47 # Setting this option to 'no' protects the database against table creations.
48 # Allowed values: yes, no
49 # Default: yes
50 allow_create = no
52 # Setting this option to 'no' protects the database against table alterations.
53 # Allowed values: yes, no
54 # Default: yes
55 allow_alter = no
57 # Setting this option to 'no' protects the database against table drops.
58 # Allowed values: yes, no
59 # Default: yes
60 allow_drop = no
62 # Name of the PostgreSQL template for database creation.
63 # For database creation the template used has to match
64 # the character encoding used (UTF8), there are different
65 # PostgreSQL installations using different templates with
66 # different encodings. If you get an error:
67 # new encoding (UTF8) is incompatible with the encoding of
68 # the template database (SQL_ASCII)
69 # HINT: Use the same encoding as in the template database,
70 # or use template0 as template.
71 # then set this option to the template name given in the
72 # error message.
73 # Default:
74 template =
Here's the '' module::
1 '''
2 2014-06-01 W. Robert Kellock
4 FirebirdSQL backend via FDB for Roundup. No provision has been made for database schema changes.
5 You are expected to edit the database directly for any schema alterations. Will happily import and export
6 data between backends. Have successfully imported a SQLite database into FirebirdSQL. Note that you also
7 need to change for the FirebirdSQL backend to work.
9 This is an absolute bare bones implementation of a Roundup backend for FirebirdSQL. It works like this:
11 1. Roundup opens a new database connection, new cursor and new transaction for every "page" request ( or
12 2. A number of database queries are run to build the page request under the one transaction.
13 3. Detectors can change the information to be written to the database or reject it entirely.
14 4. If there are no errors or rejections raised by the detectors the transaction is committed and the database is closed.
16 Detectors
17 =========
18 Auditors - check information before it enters the database.
19 Reactors - create new information based on changes they see being made to the database. For rejecting information reactors
20 rely on the database being closed without the transaction being committed, rather than using rollbacks.
21 '''
22 import logging
23 import fdb
24 from types import *
25 from roundup.backends import rdbms_common
27 def connection_dict(config, dbnamestr=None):
28 ''' Read_default_group and read_default_file is MySQL-specific, ignore it.
29 Use name, host, port (port is not used by the FDB library), user & password
30 from config.ini where name needs to be the full path to the *.fdb database file '''
31 d = rdbms_common.connection_dict(config, dbnamestr)
32 if 'read_default_group' in d:
33 del d['read_default_group']
34 if 'read_default_file' in d:
35 del d['read_default_file']
36 return d
38 def db_checks(config, action = None):
39 """Single point of connection. Database creation must be done in two steps.
40 First a call to exists, then a call to create
41 """
42 db = connection_dict(config, 'database')
43 logging.getLogger('roundup.hyperdb').debug('Database name %r' % db)
44 try:
45 conn = fdb.connect(host=db['host'], database=db['database'], user=db['user'], password=db['password'])
46 success = 1
47 except:
48 success = 0
49 logging.getLogger('roundup.hyperdb').debug('Action = %r and Success = %i' % (action, success))
50 if action == 'create' and not success:
51 try:
52 conn = fdb.create_database(dsn=db['database'], user=db['user'], password=db['password'], page_size=8192)
53 except:
54 return 0
55 elif action == 'drop' and success:
56 conn.drop_database()
58 if action == 'exists' or action == 'drop':
59 if success:
60 conn.close()
61 return success
62 else:
63 return conn
65 class Database(rdbms_common.Database):
66 arg = '?' # positional arguments in SQL statements
68 # used by some code to switch styles of query
69 implements_intersect = 1
71 def sql_mangle(self, value):
72 ''' FirebirdSQL doesn't like leading or trailing _'s anywhere
73 in a SQL statement. They must be surounded by "'s
74 '''
75 value = value.replace('=', ' = ')
76 value = value.replace(',', ' , ')
77 value = value.replace('.', ' . ')
78 value = value.replace(' date', ' _date')# hack for journal tables. Might be forced to change rdbms_common instead
80 value = value.replace(' __', ' \"__')
81 value = value.replace(' _', ' \"_')
83 value = value.replace('(__', ' (\"__')
84 value = value.replace('(_', ' (\"_')
86 value = value.replace('=?', ' =? ') # positional arguments
88 z = value.split(' ')
89 for i,x in enumerate(z):
90 y = str(x)
91 if y.find('\"') > -1:
92 p = y.find(')')
93 if p > -1:
94 y = y.replace(')','\")',1)
95 else:
96 y = y + '\"'
97 z[i] = y
98 value = ' '.join(z)
99 value = value.replace(' . ', '.')
100 value = value.replace(' TRUE', '1') # boolean datatype replaced by integer
101 return value
103 def check_tuple_args(self, args):
104 ''' Another hack to catch the boolean datatype to be replaced by integer,
105 but this time it applies to positional arguments when supplied as a tuple
106 '''
107 new_args = []
108 for x in args:
109 if type(x) is StringType:
110 y = x
111 if x.upper() == 'TRUE':
112 y = 1
113 new_args.append(y)
114 else:
115 new_args.append(x)
116 return tuple(new_args)
118 def sql(self, sql, args=None, cursor=None):
119 """ Execute the sql with the optional args.
120 """
121 sql = self.sql_mangle(sql)
122 if type(args) is TupleType:
123 args = self.check_tuple_args(args)
124 self.log_debug('SQL %r %r'%(sql, args))
125 if not cursor:
126 cursor = self.cursor
127 if args:
128 cursor.execute(sql, args)
129 else:
130 cursor.execute(sql)
132 def open_connection(self):
133 if not db_checks(self.config, 'exists'):
134 self.conn = db_checks(self.config, 'create')
135 self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
136 self.sql("CREATE TABLE __textids ( _class varchar(30), _itemid varchar(255), _prop varchar(255), _textid integer not null, primary key(_textid))")
137 self.sql("CREATE TABLE __words(_word varchar(30), _textid integer)")
138 self.sql("CREATE TABLE _file (_activity VARCHAR(30), _actor INTEGER, _content VARCHAR(255), _creation VARCHAR(30), _creator INTEGER, _name VARCHAR(255), _type VARCHAR(255), id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, __retired__ INTEGER DEFAULT 0)")
139 self.sql("CREATE TABLE _issue (_activity VARCHAR(30),_actor INTEGER,_assignedto INTEGER,_creation VARCHAR(30),_creator INTEGER,_priority INTEGER,_status INTEGER,_title VARCHAR(255),id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,__retired__ INTEGER DEFAULT 0)")
140 self.sql("CREATE TABLE _keyword (_activity VARCHAR(30),_actor INTEGER,_creation VARCHAR(30),_creator INTEGER,_name VARCHAR(255),id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,__retired__ INTEGER DEFAULT 0)")
141 # _nosy_global changed to integer from boolean and _summary to varchar(32765) from varchar(255)
142 self.sql("CREATE TABLE _msg (_activity VARCHAR(30),_actor INTEGER,_author INTEGER,_content VARCHAR(255),_creation VARCHAR(30),_creator INTEGER,_date VARCHAR(30),_inreplyto VARCHAR(255),_messageid VARCHAR(255),_nosy_global integer,_summary VARCHAR(32765),_type VARCHAR(255),id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,__retired__ INTEGER DEFAULT 0)")
143 self.sql("CREATE TABLE _priority (_activity VARCHAR(30),_actor INTEGER,_creation VARCHAR(30),_creator INTEGER,_name VARCHAR(255),_order REAL,id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,__retired__ INTEGER DEFAULT 0)")
144 self.sql("CREATE TABLE _query (_activity VARCHAR(30),_actor INTEGER,_creation VARCHAR(30),_creator INTEGER,_klass VARCHAR(255),_name VARCHAR(255),_private_for INTEGER,_url VARCHAR(255),id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,__retired__ INTEGER DEFAULT 0)")
145 self.sql("CREATE TABLE _status (_activity VARCHAR(30),_actor INTEGER,_creation VARCHAR(30),_creator INTEGER,_name VARCHAR(255),_order REAL,id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,__retired__ INTEGER DEFAULT 0)")
146 self.sql("CREATE TABLE _user (_activity VARCHAR(30),_actor INTEGER,_address VARCHAR(255),_alternate_addresses VARCHAR(255),_creation VARCHAR(30),_creator INTEGER,_lastMessage VARCHAR(30),_organisation VARCHAR(255),_password VARCHAR(255),_phone VARCHAR(255),_realname VARCHAR(255),_roles VARCHAR(255),_timezone VARCHAR(255),_username VARCHAR(255),id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,__retired__ INTEGER DEFAULT 0)")
147 # date changed to _date and params to varchar(32765) from text
148 self.sql("CREATE TABLE file__journal (nodeid integer, _date VARCHAR(30), tag varchar(255),action varchar(255), params varchar(32765))")
149 # name changed to varchar(80) from varchar
150 self.sql("CREATE TABLE ids (name varchar(80), num integer)")
151 # date changed to _date and params to varchar(32765) from text
152 self.sql("CREATE TABLE issue__journal (nodeid integer, _date VARCHAR(30), tag varchar(255), action varchar(255), params varchar(32765))")
153 self.sql("CREATE TABLE issue_files (linkid INTEGER, nodeid INTEGER)")
154 self.sql("CREATE TABLE issue_keyword (linkid INTEGER, nodeid INTEGER)")
155 self.sql("CREATE TABLE issue_messages (linkid INTEGER, nodeid INTEGER)")
156 self.sql("CREATE TABLE issue_nosy (linkid INTEGER, nodeid INTEGER)")
157 self.sql("CREATE TABLE issue_superseder (linkid INTEGER, nodeid INTEGER)")
158 # date changed to _date and params to varchar(32765) from text
159 self.sql("CREATE TABLE keyword__journal (nodeid integer, _date VARCHAR(30), tag varchar(255),action varchar(255), params varchar(32765))")
160 # date changed to _date and params to varchar(32765) from text
161 self.sql("CREATE TABLE msg__journal (nodeid integer, _date VARCHAR(30), tag varchar(255),action varchar(255), params varchar(32765))")
162 self.sql("CREATE TABLE msg_files (linkid INTEGER, nodeid INTEGER)")
163 self.sql("CREATE TABLE msg_recipients (linkid INTEGER, nodeid INTEGER)")
164 # otk_key & otk_value changed to varchar(80) from varchar
165 self.sql("CREATE TABLE otks (otk_key varchar(80), otk_value varchar(80), otk_time integer)")
166 # date changed to _date and params to varchar(32765) from text
167 self.sql("CREATE TABLE priority__journal (nodeid integer, _date VARCHAR(30), tag varchar(255),action varchar(255), params varchar(32765))")
168 # date changed to _date and params to varchar(32765) from text
169 self.sql("CREATE TABLE query__journal (nodeid integer, _date VARCHAR(30), tag varchar(255),action varchar(255), params varchar(32765))")
170 # session_key & session_value changed to varchar(80) from varchar
171 self.sql("CREATE TABLE sessions (session_key varchar(80), session_time integer, session_value varchar(80))")
172 # date changed to _date and params to varchar(32765) from text
173 self.sql("CREATE TABLE status__journal (nodeid integer, _date VARCHAR(30), tag varchar(255),action varchar(255), params varchar(32765))")
174 # date changed to _date and params to varchar(32765) from text
175 self.sql("CREATE TABLE user__journal (nodeid integer, _date VARCHAR(30), tag varchar(255),action varchar(255), params varchar(32765))")
176 self.sql("CREATE TABLE user_queries (linkid INTEGER, nodeid INTEGER)")
177 self.sql_commit()
178 self.sql("INSERT INTO _user VALUES(20140528004410.374,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Admin, Staff, User',NULL,'admin',1,0)")
179 self.sql("INSERT INTO _user VALUES(20140528004410.374,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Anonymous',NULL,'anonymous',2,0)")
180 self.sql("INSERT INTO _priority VALUES(20130301221955.763,1,20130301221955.763,1,'critical',1.0,1,0)")
181 self.sql("INSERT INTO _priority VALUES(20130301221955.763,1,20130301221955.763,1,'urgent',2.0,2,0)")
182 self.sql("INSERT INTO _priority VALUES(20130301221955.763,1,20130301221955.763,1,'wish',3.0,3,0)")
183 self.sql("INSERT INTO _status VALUES(20130301221955.763,1,20130301221955.763,1,'unread',1.0,1,0)")
184 self.sql("INSERT INTO _status VALUES(20130301221955.778,1,20130301221955.778,1,'deferred',2.0,2,0)")
185 self.sql("INSERT INTO _status VALUES(20130301221955.778,1,20130301221955.778,1,'chatting',3.0,3,0)")
186 self.sql("INSERT INTO _status VALUES(20130301221955.778,1,20130301221955.778,1,'need-eg',4.0,4,0)")
187 self.sql("INSERT INTO _status VALUES(20130301221955.778,1,20130301221955.778,1,'in-progress',5.0,5,0)")
188 self.sql("INSERT INTO _status VALUES(20130301221955.778,1,20130301221955.778,1,'testing',6.0,6,0)")
189 self.sql("INSERT INTO _status VALUES(20130301221955.778,1,20130301221955.778,1,'done-cbb',7.0,7,0)")
190 self.sql("INSERT INTO _status VALUES(20130301221955.778,1,20130301221955.778,1,'resolved',8.0,8,0)")
191 self.sql("INSERT INTO ids VALUES('__textids',1)")
192 self.sql("INSERT INTO ids VALUES('status',1)")
193 self.sql("INSERT INTO ids VALUES('keyword',1)")
194 self.sql("INSERT INTO ids VALUES('priority',1)")
195 self.sql("INSERT INTO ids VALUES('user',3)")# has to be 3 since 1 and 2 belong to admin & anonymous
196 self.sql("INSERT INTO ids VALUES('file',1)")
197 self.sql("INSERT INTO ids VALUES('msg',1)")
198 self.sql("INSERT INTO ids VALUES('query',1)")
199 self.sql("INSERT INTO ids VALUES('issue',1)")
200 self.sql_commit()
201 self.sql("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX __textids_by_props ON __textids (_class, _itemid, _prop)")
202 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _file_retired_idx on _file(__retired__)")
203 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _issue_retired_idx on _issue(__retired__)")
204 self.sql("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _keyword_key_retired_idx on _keyword(__retired__, _name)")
205 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _keyword_name_idx on _keyword(_name)")
206 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _keyword_retired_idx on _keyword(__retired__)")
207 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _msg_retired_idx on _msg(__retired__)")
208 self.sql("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _priority_key_retired_idx on _priority(__retired__, _name)")
209 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _priority_name_idx on _priority(_name)")
210 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _priority_retired_idx on _priority(__retired__)")
211 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _query_retired_idx on _query(__retired__)")
212 self.sql("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _status_key_retired_idx on _status(__retired__, _name)")
213 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _status_name_idx on _status(_name)")
214 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _status_retired_idx on _status(__retired__)")
215 self.sql("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _user_key_retired_idx on _user(__retired__, _username)")
216 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _user_retired_idx on _user(__retired__)")
217 self.sql("CREATE INDEX _user_username_idx on _user(_username)")
218 self.sql("CREATE INDEX file_journ_idx on file__journal(nodeid)")
219 self.sql("CREATE INDEX ids_name_idx on ids(name)")
220 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_files_l_idx on issue_files(linkid)")
221 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_files_n_idx on issue_files(nodeid)")
222 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_journ_idx on issue__journal(nodeid)")
223 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_keyword_l_idx on issue_keyword(linkid)")
224 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_keyword_n_idx on issue_keyword(nodeid)")
225 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_messages_l_idx on issue_messages(linkid)")
226 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_messages_n_idx on issue_messages(nodeid)")
227 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_nosy_l_idx on issue_nosy(linkid)")
228 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_nosy_n_idx on issue_nosy(nodeid)")
229 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_superseder_l_idx on issue_superseder(linkid)")
230 self.sql("CREATE INDEX issue_superseder_n_idx on issue_superseder(nodeid)")
231 self.sql("CREATE INDEX keyword_journ_idx on keyword__journal(nodeid)")
232 self.sql("CREATE INDEX msg_files_l_idx on msg_files(linkid)")
233 self.sql("CREATE INDEX msg_files_n_idx on msg_files(nodeid)")
234 self.sql("CREATE INDEX msg_journ_idx on msg__journal(nodeid)")
235 self.sql("CREATE INDEX msg_recipients_l_idx on msg_recipients(linkid)")
236 self.sql("CREATE INDEX msg_recipients_n_idx on msg_recipients(nodeid)")
237 self.sql("CREATE INDEX otks_key_idx on otks(otk_key)")
238 self.sql("CREATE INDEX priority_journ_idx on priority__journal(nodeid)")
239 self.sql("CREATE INDEX query_journ_idx on query__journal(nodeid)")
240 self.sql("CREATE INDEX sessions_key_idx on sessions(session_key)")
241 self.sql("CREATE INDEX status_journ_idx on status__journal(nodeid)")
242 self.sql("CREATE INDEX user_journ_idx on user__journal(nodeid)")
243 self.sql("CREATE INDEX user_queries_l_idx on user_queries(linkid)")
244 self.sql("CREATE INDEX user_queries_n_idx on user_queries(nodeid)")
245 self.sql("CREATE INDEX words_by_id ON __words (_textid)")
246 self.sql("CREATE INDEX words_word_ids ON __words(_word)")
247 self.sql_commit()
248 self.conn.close()
250 self.conn = db_checks(self.config)
251 self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
253 def post_init(self):
254 pass
256 # old-skool id generation
257 def newid(self, classname):
258 """ Generate a new id for the given class
259 """
260 # get the next ID
261 sql = 'select num from ids where name=%s'%self.arg
262 self.sql(sql, (classname, ))
263 newid = int(self.cursor.fetchone()[0])
265 # update the counter
266 sql = 'update ids set num=%s where name=%s'%(self.arg, self.arg)
267 vals = (int(newid)+1, classname)
268 self.sql(sql, vals)
270 # return as string
271 return str(newid)
273 def setid(self, classname, setid):
274 """ Set the id counter: used during import of database
276 We add one to make it behave like the sequences in postgres.
277 """
278 sql = 'update ids set num=%s where name=%s'%(self.arg, self.arg)
279 vals = (int(setid)+1, classname)
280 self.sql(sql, vals)
282 class FirebirdsqlClass:
283 pass
285 class Class(FirebirdsqlClass, rdbms_common.Class):
286 pass
287 class IssueClass(FirebirdsqlClass, rdbms_common.IssueClass):
288 pass
289 class FileClass(FirebirdsqlClass, rdbms_common.FileClass):
290 pass
Here's the '' module::
1 """ This implements the full-text indexer over two RDBMS tables. The first
2 is a mapping of words to occurance IDs. The second maps the IDs to (Class,
3 propname, itemid) instances.
5 2014-06-03 W. Robert Kellock - changed all instances of cursor.execute to sql since we want all sql to go through one routine
6 Also look for cursor.executemany which had to have \"'s inserted to make it work with FirebirdSQL
7 """
8 import re
9 # Python 2.3 ... 2.6 compatibility:
10 from roundup.anypy.sets_ import set
12 from roundup.backends.indexer_common import Indexer as IndexerBase
14 class Indexer(IndexerBase):
15 def __init__(self, db):
16 IndexerBase.__init__(self, db)
17 self.db = db
18 self.reindex = 0
20 def close(self):
21 """close the indexing database"""
22 # just nuke the circular reference
23 self.db = None
25 def save_index(self):
26 """Save the changes to the index."""
27 # not necessary - the RDBMS connection will handle this for us
28 pass
30 def force_reindex(self):
31 """Force a reindexing of the database. This essentially
32 empties the tables ids and index and sets a flag so
33 that the databases are reindexed"""
34 self.reindex = 1
36 def should_reindex(self):
37 """returns True if the indexes need to be rebuilt"""
38 return self.reindex
40 def add_text(self, identifier, text, mime_type='text/plain'):
41 """ "identifier" is (classname, itemid, property) """
42 if mime_type != 'text/plain':
43 return
45 # Ensure all elements of the identifier are strings 'cos the itemid
46 # column is varchar even if item ids may be numbers elsewhere in the
47 # code. ugh.
48 identifier = tuple(map(str, identifier))
50 # first, find the id of the (classname, itemid, property)
51 a = self.db.arg
52 sql = 'select _textid from __textids where _class=%s and '\
53 '_itemid=%s and _prop=%s'%(a, a, a)
54 self.db.sql(sql, identifier)
55 r = self.db.cursor.fetchone()
56 if not r:
57 # not previously indexed
58 id = self.db.newid('__textids')
59 sql = 'insert into __textids (_textid, _class, _itemid, _prop)'\
60 ' values (%s, %s, %s, %s)'%(a, a, a, a)
61 self.db.sql(sql, (id, ) + identifier)
62 else:
63 id = int(r[0])
64 # clear out any existing indexed values
65 sql = 'delete from __words where _textid=%s'%a
66 self.db.sql(sql, (id, ))
68 # ok, find all the unique words in the text
69 if not isinstance(text, unicode):
70 text = unicode(text, "utf-8", "replace")
71 text = text.upper()
72 wordlist = [w.encode("utf-8")
73 for w in re.findall(r'(?u)\b\w{%d,%d}\b'
74 % (self.minlength, self.maxlength), text)]
75 words = set()
76 for word in wordlist:
77 if self.is_stopword(word): continue
78 words.add(word)
80 # for each word, add an entry in the db
81 sql = 'insert into \"__words\" (\"_word\", \"_textid\") values (%s, %s)'%(a, a)
82 #sql = 'insert into __words (_word, _textid) values (%s, %s)'%(a, a)
83 words = [(word, id) for word in words]
84 self.db.cursor.executemany(sql, words)
86 def find(self, wordlist):
87 """look up all the words in the wordlist.
88 If none are found return an empty dictionary
89 * more rules here
90 """
91 if not wordlist:
92 return []
94 l = [word.upper() for word in wordlist
95 if self.minlength <= len(word) <= self.maxlength]
96 l = [word for word in l if not self.is_stopword(word)]
98 if not l:
99 return []
101 if self.db.implements_intersect:
102 # simple AND search
103 sql = 'select distinct(_textid) from __words where _word=%s'%self.db.arg
104 sql = '\nINTERSECT\n'.join([sql]*len(l))
105 self.db.sql(sql, tuple(l))
106 r = self.db.cursor.fetchall()
107 if not r:
108 return []
109 a = ','.join([self.db.arg] * len(r))
110 sql = 'select _class, _itemid, _prop from __textids '\
111 'where _textid in (%s)'%a
112 self.db.sql(sql, tuple([int(row[0]) for row in r]))
114 else:
115 # A more complex version for MySQL since it doesn't implement INTERSECT
117 # Construct SQL statement to join __words table to itself
118 # multiple times.
119 sql = """select distinct(__words1._textid)
120 from __words as __words1 %s
121 where __words1._word=%s %s"""
123 join_tmpl = ' left join __words as __words%d using (_textid) \n'
124 match_tmpl = ' and __words%d._word=%s \n'
126 join_list = []
127 match_list = []
128 for n in xrange(len(l) - 1):
129 join_list.append(join_tmpl % (n + 2))
130 match_list.append(match_tmpl % (n + 2, self.db.arg))
132 sql = sql%(' '.join(join_list), self.db.arg, ' '.join(match_list))
133 self.db.sql(sql, l)
135 r = [x[0] for x in self.db.cursor.fetchall()]
136 if not r:
137 return []
139 a = ','.join([self.db.arg] * len(r))
140 sql = 'select _class, _itemid, _prop from __textids '\
141 'where _textid in (%s)'%a
143 self.db.sql(sql, tuple(map(int, r)))
145 return self.db.cursor.fetchall()