Roundup Tracker

The purpose of this detector is to send a custom message to the creator of an issue (typically a customer using a company support email address).

   1  # if you have non-ascii-chars in your message
   2  # you have to add this (or another suitable encoding)
   3  # in the first or second line of the script :
   4  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
   5  #
   6  # This detector will send a notification mail for issue-creating
   7  # to the original reporter
   8  #
   9  # derived from
  10  # modified by
  11  #
  13  from roundup import roundupdb
  15  def newissuecopy(db, cl, nodeid, oldvalues):
  16     ''' Copy a message about new issues to a team address.
  17     '''
  18     # so use all the messages in the create
  19     # change_note = cl.generateCreateNote(nodeid)
  20     change_note =
  21  ("\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
  22                 "insert your text here")
  24     # send a copy to the nosy list
  25     for msgid in cl.get(nodeid, 'messages'):
  26         try:
  27             creator = cl.get(nodeid, 'creator')
  28             sender_address = db.user.get(creator, 'address')
  29             # note: last arg must be a list
  30             cl.send_message(nodeid, msgid, change_note, [sender_address])
  32         except roundupdb.MessageSendError, message:
  33             raise roundupdb.DetectorError, message
  35  def init(db):
  36     db.issue.react('create', newissuecopy)
