Roundup Tracker

Access the database in an extension module

Sometimes I need an extension which gives me a special list or selection box, e.g. to select users grouped by roles. Such function should access the database directly; otherwise I'd need to create a list in the page template, and then hand it over to the function.

This is how I do it:

the module, put in $TRACKER_HOME/extensions...
db = None
tracker_home = None

def check_db()
   global db
   if db is None:
       from roundup import instance
       tracker =
       db ='admin')

def useful_function(...):
   "no db argument required nor supported"

def init(instance):
   global tracker_home
   tracker_home = instance.tracker_home
   instance.registerUtil('useful_function', useful_function)

This way the database is fetched at first use of one of the registered functions, and reused at every further call.

It doesn't work to set the 'db' value in the init function directly, since the following causes an infinite recursion loop at tracker startup:

def init(instance):
   global db
   from roundup import instance as ins_module
   tracker =
   db ='admin')

Feedback/comments welcome.