Roundup Tracker

Attachment ''


   1 """Module to implement two-factor autentication using
   2 rfc4226 HOTP or rfc6238 TOTP on your tracker.
   4 Templating functions including QR code generator and two
   5 actions:
   7   * login using TOTP/HOTP
   8   * Manage TOTP/HOTP - enroll using HOTP or TOTP, unenroll 2FA
  11 Configuration is done using the extensions/config.ini file.
  12 Settings with default values:
  14 [HOTP]
  16 # Presence of the key disables this mechanism.  User will
  17 # not be able to enroll using the mechanism.  They will be
  18 # able to login using the method unless the value is
  19 # 'login_deny' (no quotes). This will tell the user to see
  20 # an administrator.
  21 disable =
  23 # If the counter on the token generator and the tracker get
  24 # out of sync, increment the counter up to window times to
  25 # try to match the token the user entered.
  26 window = 10
  28 # Number of digits in the OTP token. 6 or 8 are usually supported by
  29 # authenticators.
  30 length = 6
  32 # Name for this tracker used for issuer in the QR code.
  33 # If empty, the string before the last / in the TRACKER_WEB
  34 # config.ini setting.
  35 issuer =
  37 [TOTP]
  39 # Same as HOTP.
  40 disable =
  42 # If the time sync on the token generator and this server
  43 # are out of sync calculate the token for window 30 second
  44 # periods before and after now. 0 means the user must
  45 # generate and the server must process the token within the
  46 # current 30 second window.
  47 window = 0
  49 # Same as HOTP.
  50 length = 6
  52 # Same as HOTP.
  53 issuer =
  55 """
  57 from roundup.anypy.strings import b2s
  58 from roundup.anypy import urllib_
  59 from roundup.i18n import _
  61 import logging
  63 # import for generator
  64 from roundup.cgi.actions import EditItemAction
  65 from roundup.configuration import InvalidOptionError
  67 import random
  69 # imports for LoginAction replacement
  70 from roundup.cgi.actions import LoginAction
  71 from roundup.cgi.exceptions import Redirect, LoginError
  73 import cgi
  74 import math
  75 import re
  76 import time
  78 # If this fails OTP doesn't work at all.
  79 # So fail on import rather than at runtime.
  80 from onetimepass import get_hotp, valid_hotp, valid_totp
  82 try:
  83     # Hopefully this works for python2
  84     from StringIO import cStringIO as IOBuff
  85 except ImportError:
  86     # python 3
  87     from io import StringIO as IOBuff
  89 try:
  90     # qrcode only supports python 3
  91     import qrcode
  92     import qrcode.image.svg
  93 except ImportError:
  94     qrcode = None
  96 logger = logging.getLogger('extension')
  99 def chunk_text(text_or_password, chunksize=4, errormsg=None):
 100     """ Template function to chunk text by breaking one of
 101         three types of text source:
 103            plain text
 105            HTML form field with _value
 107            Password hyperdb class with _value.password
 108     """
 109     if not errormsg:
 110         errormsg = _("No value present.")
 112     if not isinstance(text_or_password, str):
 113         try:
 114             text = text_or_password._value.password
 115         except AttributeError:
 116             text = text_or_password._value
 117     else:
 118         text = text_or_password
 120     if text == '-':
 121         return errormsg
 123     return ' '.join([text[x*chunksize:x*chunksize+chunksize] for x in
 124                     range(0, math.ceil(len(text)/chunksize))])
 127 def format_current_count(count):
 128     if count == -1:
 129         return _("2FA disabled. No counter.")
 130     if count == -2:
 131         return _("Using time based 2FA. Counter unused.")
 132     return count
 135 def hotpIntegrityValue(user_context):
 136     '''Return the OTP for counter value 0. Google Authenticator
 137        uses this as the Integrity Check value for the key.
 138        The first OTP that will be accepted starts at counter
 139        value 1.
 140     '''
 142     if user_context.secret_counter._value == -2:
 143         return _("Using time based 2FA. Check value not available.")
 145     try:
 146         key = user_context.secret_2fa._value.password
 147     except AttributeError:
 148         key = user_context.secret_2fa._value
 150     if key == '-':
 151         return _("2FA disabled. Check value not available.")
 152     value = str(get_hotp(key, 0))
 153     return chunk_text(value.rjust(6, '0'), chunksize=3)
 156 def qrify(user_context, output="svg"):
 157     '''Generate a QR code to enroll the user using Google
 158        Authenticator and other client apps.
 159        The QR code is a special url to enroll the user.
 160        We set the following info in the QR:
 162          identity: issuer:username@TRACKER_NAME
 163          issuer: last element of TRACKER_WEB, HOTP_ISSUER or
 164                  TOTP_ISSUER from extensions/config.ini
 165        All values are url encoded.
 166        Generates an svg or ascii qr code. Default output=svg.
 167        Ascii is useful for text browsers.
 168     '''
 170     if qrcode is None:
 171         return _("QR code is not available.")
 173     if user_context.secret_2fa._value == '-':
 174         return _("No secret key is set.")
 176     def get_ext_setting(setting, default=None):
 177         try:
 178             return user_context._db.config.ext[setting]
 179         except InvalidOptionError:
 180             return default
 182     counter = int(user_context.secret_counter._value)
 184     # can be a Password or web text item.
 185     try:
 186         secret = urllib_.quote(user_context.secret_2fa._value.password)
 187     except AttributeError:
 188         secret = urllib_.quote(user_context.secret_2fa._value)
 190     user = urllib_.quote(user_context.username._value)
 191     web_url = urllib_.quote(user_context._db.config['TRACKER_WEB'])
 193     if user_context.secret_counter == -2:
 194         # TOTP
 195         issuer = urllib_.quote(get_ext_setting('TOTP_ISSUER', ''))
 196     else:
 197         issuer = urllib_.quote(get_ext_setting('HOTP_ISSUER', ''))
 199     if not issuer:
 200         # take last component of / terminated web url
 201         issuer = urllib_.quote(web_url.split('/')[-2])
 202     tracker = urllib_.quote(user_context._db.config['TRACKER_NAME'])
 204     # neither sissuer nor user can have a ':'
 205     issuer.replace(':', '_')
 206     user.replace(':', '_')
 208     #
 209     if counter == 0:  # HOTP
 210         url = (("otpauth://hotp/%(issuer)s%%3A%(user)s@%(tracker)s?"
 211                 "secret=%(secret)s&issuer=%(issuer)s&counter=0") %
 212                locals())
 213     else:  # counter = -2 TOTP
 214         url = (("otpauth://totp/%(issuer)s%%3A%(user)s@%(tracker)s?"
 215                 "secret=%(secret)s&issuer=%(issuer)s") % locals())
 217     if output == "svg":
 218         factory = qrcode.image.svg.SvgPathImage
 219         qr_svg = qrcode.make(url, image_factory=factory)
 220         return b2s(qr_svg.to_string())
 221     elif output == "ascii":
 222         qr = qrcode.QRCode()
 223         qr.add_data(url)
 224         file_mock = IOBuff()
 225         qr.print_ascii(out=file_mock)
 227         qr_text =
 228         # wrap it in pre tags to keep formatting
 229         return '<pre class="ascii_otp">%s</pre>' % qr_text
 230         # The following css is required to make it work on
 231         # browsers that implement css. If the line height is
 232         # not 1, blank space is created between the lines.
 233         # The space makes QR recognition fail. It works fine
 234         # without it on text browsers.
 235         #   pre.ascii_otp {line-height: 1em;}
 236     else:
 237         return "Error generating QR code."
 240 def set_form_wins(client, value):
 241     '''set client's form_wins attribute to the boolean value
 242        passed in. If value is False, the templating code displays
 243        values from the database rather than from the current form.
 245        By default, the value is True so that a rejected form
 246        displays the values the user entered rather than overwriting
 247        them with the values from the database.
 249        However we want to display the database values on the
 250        user.2fa.html template as there is no user entered data
 251        on the form that changes the secret key.
 252     '''
 253     client.form_wins = value
 256 class Generate2faSecret(EditItemAction):
 257     '''Change users HOTP secret or disable 2FA.
 259        Values for schema properties:
 260        secret_2fa: 32 characters from base32 alphabet or - if disabled
 261        secret_counter:
 262            integer >= 0 2fa HOTP enabled
 263            integer = -1 2fa disabled
 264            integer = -2 reserved for 2fa TOTP enabled (not yet implmented)
 266        To prevent a user from manually setting the key by submitting
 267           a form, we add a property to the db handle that the detector
 268           looks for. If a web request comes in without that property on
 269           the db, it raises an error.
 270     '''
 271     def handle(self):
 272         ''' Generate new 2FA HOTP secret or remove 2FA enrollment.
 273         '''
 275         if __debug__:
 276             logger.debug("Generate2faSecret: enter")
 278         def get_ext_setting(setting, default=None):
 279             try:
 280                 return self.db.config.ext[setting]
 281             except InvalidOptionError:
 282                 return default
 284         # add property on db object to be used by detector
 285         # so it knows request came from here.
 286         self.db.Generate2faSecret = "Generate2faSecret"
 288         # Process unenrolling request.
 290         # 'remove_2fa' is the name of the un-enrolling button
 291         # in web interface.
 292         if 'remove_2fa' in self.form:
 293             # zero out 2FA creds and counter
 294             self.form.list.append(
 295                 cgi.MiniFieldStorage("secret_2fa", "-")
 296             )
 297             # all password changes need confirmation element
 298             self.form.list.append(
 299                 cgi.MiniFieldStorage("@confirm@secret_2fa", "-")
 300             )
 302             # empty reset counter when removing 2fa
 303             self.form.list.append(
 304                 cgi.MiniFieldStorage("secret_counter", "-1")
 305             )
 306             # call the core EditItemAction to process the edit.
 307             EditItemAction.handle(self)
 308             return
 310         # Now all we have is to enroll the user.
 312         # define base32 alphabet for random string generation
 313         alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567"
 315         # get available otp methods
 316         otp_methods = []
 318         if get_ext_setting("HOTP_DISABLE") is None:
 319             otp_methods.append('hotp')
 320         if get_ext_setting("TOTP_DISABLE") is None:
 321             otp_methods.append('totp')
 323         if not otp_methods:
 324             raise ValueError(_("All two factor methods are disabled."))
 326         if '__enable_TOTP' in self.form:
 327             if 'totp' in otp_methods:
 328                 use_totp = True
 329             else:
 330                 raise ValueError(_("Time based method disabled"))
 331         else:
 332             if 'hotp' in otp_methods:
 333                 use_totp = False
 334             else:
 335                 raise ValueError(_("Counter based method disabled"))
 337         # Is this the best we can do?? How random is it?
 338         # 160 bits (32 characters with 5 bits) of entropy.
 339         new_secret = ''.join(
 340             [random.choice(alphabet) for x in range(0, 32)])
 342         self.form.list.append(
 343             cgi.MiniFieldStorage("secret_2fa", new_secret)
 344         )
 345         self.form.list.append(
 346             cgi.MiniFieldStorage("@confirm@secret_2fa", new_secret)
 347         )
 349         if use_totp is False:
 350             # always reset counter to 0 when changing HOTP secret
 351             self.form.list.append(
 352                 cgi.MiniFieldStorage("secret_counter", "0")
 353             )
 354         else:
 355             self.form.list.append(
 356                 cgi.MiniFieldStorage("secret_counter", "-2")
 357             )
 359         # call the core EditItemAction to process the edit.
 360         EditItemAction.handle(self)
 363 def make_redirect_url(urlparse_dict):
 364     """As part of 2FA login redirect to new url composed from source
 365        URL plus new query parameters.
 366     """
 367     return urllib_.urlunparse((urlparse_dict['scheme'],
 368                                urlparse_dict['netloc'],
 369                                urlparse_dict['path'],
 370                                urlparse_dict['params'],
 371                                urllib_.urlencode(
 372                                    list(
 373                                        sorted(
 374                                            urlparse_dict['query'].items()
 375                                        )
 376                                    ),
 377                                    doseq=True
 378                                ),
 379                                urlparse_dict['fragment'])
 380                               )
 383 def clean_url_dict(self):
 384     """Return a dict with cleaned up components of source URL.
 386        As part of login code, we need to redirect back to source page
 387        but without @ok_message or @error_message query params.
 388     """
 390     if '__came_from' in self.form:
 391         # On valid or invalid login, redirect the user back to the page
 392         # they started on. Searches, issue, and other pages
 393         # are all preserved in __came_from. Clean out any old feedback
 394         # @error_message, @ok_message from the __came_from url.
 395         #
 396         # 1. Split the url into components.
 397         # 2. Split the query string into parts.
 398         # 3. Delete @error_message and @ok_message if present.
 399         # 4. Define a new redirect_url missing the @...message entries.
 400         #    This will be redefined if there is a login error to include
 401         #      a new error message
 403         clean_url = self.examine_url(self.form['__came_from'].value)
 404         redirect_url_tuple = urllib_.urlparse(clean_url)
 405         # now I have a tuple form for the __came_from url
 406         try:
 407             query = urllib_.parse_qs(redirect_url_tuple.query)
 408             if "@error_message" in query:
 409                 del query["@error_message"]
 410             if "@ok_message" in query:
 411                 del query["@ok_message"]
 412             if "@action" in query:
 413                 # also remove the action from the redirect
 414                 # there is only ever one @action value.
 415                 if query['@action'] == ["logout"]:
 416                     del query["@action"]
 417         except AttributeError:
 418             # no query param so nothing to remove. Just define.
 419             query = {}
 420             pass
 422         urlparse_dict = {"scheme": redirect_url_tuple.scheme,
 423                          "netloc": redirect_url_tuple.netloc,
 424                          "path":   redirect_url_tuple.path,
 425                          "params": redirect_url_tuple.params,
 426                          "query":  query,
 427                          "fragment": redirect_url_tuple.fragment
 428                          }
 429         return urlparse_dict
 430     else:
 431         return None
 434 class OtpLoginAction(LoginAction):
 435     '''Login Action requiring one time password (HOTP/TOTP)
 436        to successfully log in.
 437     '''
 439     # Calculate TOTP for an interval of this many seconds
 440     # Changing this INVALIDATES all TOTP's.
 441     # Some authenticators won't allow a value other than 30.
 442     # Read the rfc before changing this.
 443     totp_interval_in_sec = 30
 445     def handle(self):
 447         if __debug__:
 448             logger.debug("OtpLoginAction: enter")
 450         redirect_url_dict = clean_url_dict(self)
 452         def get_ext_setting(setting, default=None):
 453             try:
 454                 return self.db.config.ext[setting]
 455             except InvalidOptionError:
 456                 return default
 458         # store exceptions thrown by verifyLogin to expose
 459         # error message later
 460         verifyLoginException = None
 462         # Find enabled methods.
 463         otp_methods = []
 464         if get_ext_setting("HOTP_DISABLE") is None:
 465             otp_methods.append('hotp')
 466         if get_ext_setting("TOTP_DISABLE") is None:
 467             otp_methods.append('totp')
 469         if '__login_name' in self.form:
 470             username = self.form['__login_name'].value
 471             try:
 472                 # get the info for the user
 473                 userid = self.db.user.lookup(username)
 475                 try:
 476                     secret = self.db.user.get(userid, 'secret_2fa',
 477                                               "").password
 478                 except AttributeError:
 479                     # thrown if secret is empty
 480                     secret = '-'
 482                 last = self.db.user.get(userid, 'secret_counter')
 484                 if __debug__:
 485                     logger.debug("Login username %s is valid", username)
 486             except KeyError:
 487                 # No such user so login will fail.
 488                 # Set variables as though OTP is disabled.
 489                 # Don't return here as a timing attack can find
 490                 # valid usernames.
 491                 secret = "-"  # user's TOTP/HOTP secret
 492                 last = -1    # sequence number of last used HOTP -1 invalid
 494         try:
 495             last = int(last)
 496         except (ValueError, TypeError):
 497             # string but not an int or non-string
 498             last = -1  # sentinal value - indicates OTP disabled
 500         # sanity check
 501         if (secret == "-" and last != -1) or \
 502            (secret != "-" and last == -1):
 503             # somebody is playing games. This should never happen.
 504             # abort immediately.
 505             errormsg = _("Internal error. Secret key and counter mismatch.")
 506             # keep user on original page and report error.
 507             if redirect_url_dict is None:
 508                 self.client.add_error_message(errormsg)
 509                 return
 510             else:
 511                 redirect_url_dict['query']['@error_message'] = errormsg
 512                 raise Redirect(make_redirect_url(redirect_url_dict))
 514         if '__login_password' in self.form:
 515             password = self.form['__login_password'].value
 516         else:
 517             password = ""
 519         if '__otp' in self.form:
 520             token = self.form['__otp'].value
 521             # remove spaces/tabs. Some auth generators
 522             # chunk the token, copy/paste includes the spaces
 523             token = re.sub(r'\s', '', token)
 524         else:
 525             if secret == '-':
 526                 # 2fa not enabled, do a normal login
 527                 LoginAction.handle(self)
 528                 # LoginAction "returns" an exception
 529                 # so the return below should not be reached
 530                 return
 531             else:
 532                 token = ""
 534         if last == -2:
 535             # TOTP - window is the number of 30 second
 536             # (interval) periods before/after the current 30
 537             # second period. 0 only matches the code for
 538             # this (30) second period.
 539             windows = int(get_ext_setting('TOTP_WINDOW', 0))
 540         else:
 541             # HOTP - window we will search for a match so
 542             # up to 10 keys past the last used one can be valid.
 543             windows = int(get_ext_setting('HOTP_WINDOW', 10))
 545         if last == -2:
 546             # TOTP - token length number of numbers in token
 547             # 6 or 8 are usually supported
 548             token_length = int(get_ext_setting('TOTP_LENGTH', 6))
 549         else:
 550             token_length = int(get_ext_setting('HOTP_LENGTH', 6))
 552         # Verify TOTP/HOTP and prevent replay
 553         if last >= 0:
 554             # uppercase because it's used for retreiving a config setting.
 555             otp_method = "HOTP"
 557             # valid_hotp returns: integer > 0 (match sequence number) or False
 558             otp_ok = valid_hotp(token,
 559                                 secret,
 560                                 token_length=token_length,
 561                                 trials=windows,
 562                                 last=last)
 564             # FIXME: should the TOTP stuff be done here to prevent
 565             # leaking that the user is using HOTP and not TOTP. TOTP
 566             # validation will take longer. Try sleeping
 567             # random.random()/10 seconds.
 568             time.sleep(random.random()/10)
 570             # invalidate an exposed HOTP to make it single
 571             # use even if username/password fails.
 572             if otp_ok:
 573                 self.db.user.set(userid, secret_counter=otp_ok)
 574             self.db.commit()
 576         elif last == -2:
 577             # uppercase because it's used for retreiving a config setting.
 578             otp_method = "TOTP"
 580             interval = self.totp_interval_in_sec
 582             # FIXME: consider setting clock argument for
 583             #  valid_otp to (now - interval) and then None.
 584             #  Allow one interval look back to account for
 585             #  entry delay and network transmission between
 586             #  synchronized clocks. This is a look back
 587             #  window only. Note setting windows=1 looks
 588             #  forward and back one interval.
 590             # valid_totp returns: True or False
 591             otp_ok = valid_totp(token,
 592                                 secret,
 593                                 token_length=token_length,
 594                                 window=windows,
 595                                 interval_length=interval)
 597             # verify that token has not been used
 598             # check against last TOTP to prevent replay
 599             #   Use session db so multiple tokens
 600             #   (TOTP_used-<user>-<token>) with lifetime of
 601             #       now + (window * 30 seconds or (interval))
 602             #       can be saved and expired by usual method?
 603             otk = self.client.db.Otk
 605             totp_key = "TOTP_used-%s-%s" % (username, token)
 607             try:
 608                 _discard = otk.getall(totp_key)
 609                 # token has been seen before, login must fail.
 610                 otp_ok = False
 611             except KeyError:
 612                 # ignore if key not found
 613                 pass
 615             # Calculate a timestamp that will make OTK.clean()
 616             # expire the entry 1.1 x interval plus windows * interval
 617             # after the current time. 1.1 is just to make sure we record
 618             # the TOTP through it's entire interval.
 619             #  (FYI expiration is 1 week, so we subtract a week first)
 620             ts = time.time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 7) \
 621                  + (interval * windows) + 1.1*interval
 623             if otp_ok:
 624                 # this is the only code that depends on a valid otp
 625                 otk.set(totp_key, token=token, __timestamp=ts)
 627             # The time spent cleaning the OTK db depends on
 628             # on number of records in database. Attempts to
 629             # determine if the TOTP was correct via timing attack
 630             # may be made more difficult by doing housekeeping.
 631             otk.clean()
 632             otk.commit()
 634         else:
 635             # process the token so we take the same amount of
 636             # time as when 2fa is enabled but the token is wrong.
 637             _discard = valid_hotp(token, 'A'*32, last=0, trials=windows)
 638             time.sleep(random.random()/10)  # combat timing attack
 640             # Since 2fa not enabled: set otp_ok False
 641             otp_ok = False
 643         login_ok = False
 644         try:
 645             LoginAction.verifyLogin(self, username, password)
 646             login_ok = True
 647         except LoginError as e:
 648             # store for later use
 649             verifyLoginException = e
 651         # If user supplied the next OTP in the HOTP sequence
 652         # or if it passes with a TOTP, call core LoginAction.
 653         if otp_ok and ((otp_ok == last + 1) or (last == -2)):
 654             # if otp method is not supported and logins disabled
 655             # using it, reject with a suitable error.
 657             if get_ext_setting(otp_method + "_DISABLE") == 'login_deny':
 658                 # implement part of workflow from core LoginAction.handle
 659                 self.client.make_user_anonymous()
 660                 self.client.session_api.destroy()
 662                 errormsg = _('Login disabled please see Administrator')
 663                 if redirect_url_dict is None:
 664                     self.client.add_error_message(errormsg)
 665                     return
 666                 else:
 667                     redirect_url_dict['query']['@error_message'] = errormsg
 668                     raise Redirect(make_redirect_url(redirect_url_dict))
 670             # perform normal user login
 671             LoginAction.handle(self)
 672             return  # just in case control returns here
 674         if (last != -2) and otp_ok and login_ok:
 675             # User has skipped one or more HOTP's save the sequence
 676             # number and reject the login. Request they enter the next
 677             # number in the sequence.
 678             #
 679             # FIXME how to detect hotp and not login_ok to force two
 680             #       hotp keys in a row. Maybe a new field secret_missing
 681             #       to store state between login attempts?
 683             # implement part of workflow from core LoginAction.handle
 684             self.client.make_user_anonymous()
 685             self.client.session_api.destroy()
 687             errormsg = _(
 688                 'Multiple One Time Passwords were skipped. '
 689                 'Please log in again with your next One Time Password.')
 691             if redirect_url_dict is None:
 692                 self.client.add_error_message(errormsg)
 693                 return
 694             else:
 695                 redirect_url_dict['query']['@error_message'] = errormsg
 696                 raise Redirect(make_redirect_url(redirect_url_dict))
 698         if not login_ok:
 699             # implement part of workflow from core LoginAction.handle
 700             self.client.make_user_anonymous()
 702             # keep user on same page, report error from verifyLogin.
 703             if redirect_url_dict is None:
 704                 for arg in verifyLoginException.args:
 705                     self.client.add_error_message(arg)
 706                 return
 707             else:
 708                 redirect_url_dict['query']['@error_message'] = \
 709                               verifyLoginException.args
 710                 raise Redirect(make_redirect_url(redirect_url_dict))
 712         # If hotp/totp was not matched, fail login.
 713         if otp_ok is False:
 714             # implement part of workflow from core LoginAction.handle
 715             self.client.make_user_anonymous()
 716             self.client.session_api.destroy()
 717             # Match LoginAction.handle error so we don't give away info
 718             errormsg = _('Invalid login')
 720             # keep user on original page and report error.
 721             if redirect_url_dict is None:
 722                 self.client.add_error_message(errormsg)
 723                 return
 724             else:
 725                 redirect_url_dict['query']['@error_message'] = errormsg
 726                 raise Redirect(make_redirect_url(redirect_url_dict))
 729 def init(instance):
 730     instance.registerUtil('chunk_text', chunk_text)
 731     instance.registerUtil('format_current_count', format_current_count)
 732     instance.registerUtil('hotpIntegrityValue', hotpIntegrityValue)
 733     instance.registerUtil('qrify', qrify)
 734     if 'set_form_wins' not in instance.templating_utils:
 735         instance.registerUtil('set_form_wins', set_form_wins)
 737     instance.registerAction('gen2fasecret', Generate2faSecret)
 738     instance.registerAction('login', OtpLoginAction)

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  • [get | view] (2021-12-25 04:06:59, 20.9 KB) [[attachment:user_item_2_factor_link.png]]
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